Dear Families,

Well, another school year is coming to an end – we only have one week left. The last day for students is Thursday, June 28. On Friday, June 29, the educators at Jean Steckle will be working on plans for the upcoming school year.

Reflecting on this year, I’ve noticed that students’ reading levels have shot up, math skills improved, and their sense of who they are in this complicated world has been enhanced.  Growth can feel slow and steady at times, but when we think about where our students were at the beginning of the year, and where they are now, we realize that childhood development is really very, very fast.

As the year comes to a close, we would like to thank parents who have supported us in our work: whether reading with their children, using School-Day as a way to communicate with the school, signing the planner, following up at home around important messages, helping with hot lunches, volunteering for Family Fun Night, or attending school events.  We rely on these positive relationships to help us model for children what healthy adult and community relationships look like, sound like, and feel like. Thank-you for speaking about your school and your child’s teacher in a positive light!

At this time of year, we prepare to say goodbye to some of our students. To our students moving to Janet Metcalfe Public School or to a new school, remember your time at Jean Steckle P.S. You will always be a member of our Hive. Wishing you a great start at your new school. To our grade 8s going on to their new high schools: all the very best! You have made us proud! Take your great memories of Jean Steckle Public School with you and don’t forget the lessons you have learned along the way.

To our students and families returning in September, we look forward to working with you again. Next year will be another amazing year!


Andrea Michelutti, Principal

Report Cards

Report cards for students in Kindergarten to Grade 8 will be sent home on Monday, June 25. If your child is away next week, the report cards will be mailed out this summer.

New procedure: Class lists

Waterloo Region District School Board is committed to keeping your children safe. To comply with privacy legislation we are changing the way we communicate elementary students’ home classrooms for September 2018. Class lists will no longer be posted on the outside windows or doors of your child ’s school. More details about how to find your child’s class information will be shared on the school website and via School-Day in August.

Upcoming dates

June 25 – Grade 7s to Bingemans; Report cards will be sent home

June 26 – Grade 7s to Chicopee; Grade 8 Graduation at 6:30 p.m.

June 27 – Grade 6 “Hollywood Party”

June 28 – Last day of school

June 29 – PD Day