October 13th, 2017
Dear families,
Thank you to our families for another great week. I am proud of the students’ work that is now displayed in the front hall.
School Council has created a new Facebook page. Please join or like the Jean Steckle PS School Council page.
Andrea Michelutti – Principal
New programs to support all of our students
This fall, we will be implementing three new programs to support our Safe Caring Inclusive Schools (SCIS) initiative. Our school’s data from behavioural incidents on the yard and in the classrooms shows that our students are having difficulty with conflict resolution. All conflicts do not result in bullying situations. We are confident these programs will give our students resolve conflicts.
Kindergarten to Grade 3: The WITS Primary Program teaches children in Kindergarten to Grade 3 to make safe and positive choices when faced with peer conflict. The WITS acronym – Walk away, Ignore, Talk it out, and Seek help – provides a common language that children and the adults in their environments can use to talk about and respond to peer victimization.
Grade 4 to Grade 6: The LEADS Program provides strategies and resources that are developmentally appropriate for older elementary aged students so that they can become LEADerS.
The LEADS Program teaches five problem-solving strategies to help children deal with conflict and keep safe: Look and listen, Explore points of view, Act, Did it work? and Seek help.
Grade 7 and 8: The Canadian Red Cross’ Beyond the Hurt program supports a school-wide approach to preventing bullying and building empathy and respect. Beyond the Hurt is based on the belief that all youth—those targeted, those who bully, and bystanders—have a critical role in preventing bullying.
Most people involved in the bullying dynamic are bystanders, silently watching from the sidelines. Beyond the Hurt gives youth and adults the tools to take a stand to stop bullying before it starts. It engages student leaders in facilitating bullying prevention workshops and modeling positive and respectful relationships to students.
These programs will be implemented over the next few months through class meetings, assemblies, and workshops.
Fischer-Hallman/Huron Elementary Schools Boundary Study Meeting
Tuesday, October 24, 2017 – 7:00– 8:30 p.m.
Jean Steckle Public School, Gymnasium – 130 Woodbine Avenue, Kitchener
The Fischer-Hallman/Huron Elementary Schools Boundary Study involves Jean Steckle,
Laurentian, Queen Elizabeth and Southridge Public Schools and the new Southwest
Kitchener elementary school at 335 Seabrook Drive, Kitchener. The goal of this study is to
establish the boundary for the new school, and address the program and space needs at Jean
Steckle Public School.
MEETING PURPOSE: To gather feedback and answer questions from parents and members of the community about possible boundary changes, program and/or grade configuration changes that may affect students attending study area schools.
Please note that no decisions have been made and no changes will happen before
September 2018.
MEETING FORMAT: At 7:00 p.m., staff will make a brief presentation about the boundary study
process and possible solutions, followed by a question and answer period.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Including agendas, presentations and minutes of the Boundary
Study Working Group can be obtained by visiting www.wrdsb.ca/planning or by contacting the
Board’s Planning Department at 519-570-0003 ext. 4419. Comments related to this study can
be submitted to boundaryfeedback@wrdsb.ca (please indicate “Fischer-Hallman/Huron” in the
subject line).
SPECIAL ACCOMMODATIONS: Should you require special assistance to participate in this
meeting, please contact Andrea Kean at 519-570-0003 ext. 4419 or by email to
Police Vulnerable Sector Checks for Volunteers
To align with board policy, volunteers at the school will require a Police Vulnerable Sector Check. We are asking that parents and family members who are interesting in volunteering in the school, in classrooms, or on field trips have this check completed. Please send in your police check as soon as possible as parents will need to have this form in the school before they can attend field trips.
Volunteer Survey
If you are available to volunteer at the school, please fill out the survey https://goo.gl/forms/YglQhhMdzUYNW1ms2. We would love to have parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, or community members volunteer in our great school.
Lunch Lady
We are offering Lunch Lady options for Friday during the first nutrition break. If you would like to order, please visit http://thelunchlady.ca/.
Upcoming dates
October 18 – K6 open house
October 19 – Swim to survive (Grade 2/3 & 3/4)
October 25 – Swim to survive (Grade 3 FI)
October 26 – Swim to survive (3A, 3B, 3C), K4 open house
October 31 – Intermediate Dance at 1:50 p.m.
November 1 – Swim to survive (Grade 3 FI)
November 2 – Swim to survive (3A, 3B, 3C)
November 8 – Swim to survive (Grade 3 FI)
November 9 – Swim to survive (3A, 3B, 3C)
November 13 to November 20 – Food Drive
November 17 – PD Day
December 25 to January 5 – Winter Break
January 26 – PD Day
February 12 – Grade 7 immunization
February 19 – Family Day
March 12 to March 19 – March Break
March 30 – Good Friday
April 2 – Easter Monday
April 13 – PD Day
May 4 – PD Day
May 21 – Victoria Day
May 22 – Grade 7 immunization
June 1 – PD Day
June 29 – PD Day