Dear Families,

What an exciting week! 91.5 the Beat was at our school to present us with a Buddy Bench and other great prizes. Thank you to Mrs. Eckhardt and her class for winning the 91.5 Breakfast School Tour.

Our junior students rocked it as they participated in our school’s track and field meet. Thank you to Ms. Ellenton and her team for organizing the event.

On Friday, we had our first of three spring fire drills. Our students continue to amaze me with an excellent drill. Community members commented that it was incredible to see 900 students completely silent. We will be having two more drills in June.

The provincial election will be taking place on Thursday, June 7, 2018. Jean Steckle P.S. is being used as a polling location. Please note that there may be an increase in traffic this day, and as a result parking around the school may be difficult. Please keep this in mind when planning your travel to the school on June 7.

On Friday, our teachers will be participating in a Professional Development Day focusing on assessment and evaluation. There will be no school for students on Friday, June 1.

Thank you for all of your support!


Andrea Michelutti, Principal

Visitors in the school

To ensure all of our students are safe, it is an expectation at all visitors report to the office to sign in and receive a visitors sticker.

Fun Fair

Our Family Fun Night is coming up on June 14!! In order for our event to run, we need the help of MANY parent and community volunteers. Without enough volunteers, we will need to limit the events and possibly cancel the evening.

If you are able to help, please click this link and sign up by SUNDAY MAY 27 on the google form (first and last name, please!).…/1UL8Nz9LEn_lWNCtAe-b167_QN9…/edit…


The safety and well-being of your child is an important concern for us, and making sure your child arrives at school safely is a responsibility we take very seriously. That is why all elementary schools have a Safe Arrival Program to ensure that each and every student arrives at school safely.

Parents and guardians have a responsibility to contact the school when a child will be late or absent. If you share the absence with your child’s teacher either in person or in the planner, it is important to also call the attendance line or email the office.

You now have two ways to contact the school to report your child’s absence or late arrival:

  1. Call Us – Our Attendance Line can be reached by calling 519-748-1919 dialing extension #1. Include your child’s name (and spelling), grade, class and reason for absence.


2. NEW!! Email us – You can send an email to and include the following information:

  • Subject Line: Student’s Name
  • Body of Email: Student’s name, grade, class, your name, and the reason for the absence.

Select the option that is most convenient for you. Both options are available 24/7.

Reminder: During severe weather conditions, you have the option to keep your child home from school. Please remember, you must still call the school to alert them of your child’s absence or if they will be arriving late.

Our staff, families and caregivers are partners in every student’s learning journey. We appreciate your support in ensuring that every student arrives safely at school.

Upcoming dates

May 28 – Grade 3 EQAO

May 29, 30, 31 – Grade 6 EQAO

May 31- Intermediate Track and Field at JHSS

June 1 – PD Day

June 14 – Family Fun Night

June 26 – Grade 8 Graduation

June 29 – PD Day