Dear families,

What a great day! We celebrated “superhero” day and our students were amazing. Thank you to our families for showing great school spirit. Thank you to all of the students who participated in our Integrity assembly.

Tomorrow is a Professional Development Day and teachers will be working on the assessment and evaluation of students. The school will be closed for students. See you on Monday.

So far we have 50 students registered for kindergarten next year. Please encourage your neighbours, friends, and family to register their children who are eligible to attend school in September.

We are excited to share that our School Council will be hosting our annual dance-a-thon on February 14. Information will be shared next week with our families. Money raised will be used to enhance our physical education equipment and update our technology.

Thank you for another great week.


Andrea Michelutti – Principal

Inclement Weather

Please visit our school’s boards website to learn about the inclement weather procedures.

Update on the Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study

The latest minutes from the Southwest Kitchener Secondary Boundary Study are posted on our website. Please direct any questions to

Upcoming events:

January 25 – PA Day

February 15 – Hat Day

March 22 – Dress like a teacher day

April 12 – PA Day

April 18 – Pay $1 to break a school rule

May 17 – Crazy hair day

May 31 – PA Day

June 27 – Canada day spirit day