Dear Families,

Thanks to students and staff for a great week back after the March break.  It was wonderful to see students back in the classrooms and getting down to work.  Students have been engaged in many powerful activities, including Math problems, Art works and Writing assignments.

Have a fun and safe weekend.

See you on Monday at 8:30 a.m.


Rick Saunders, Vice Principal

Immunization Letter

A reminder to parents that if you have received a letter from the school regarding immunization, the deadline to have your child(ren) immunized is Tuesday, March 26th. In order to attend a public school in Ontario, each child must have their immunization records up to date by March 26, 2019.  

If you have any questions, please contact the office on Monday.  

Field Conditions

The days are getting longer and warmer, and the yard is getting sloppier. Students are reminded to stay on the tarmac areas to avoid the sloppy mud building up on the grassy areas. Before school, after school and during breaks, the grassy sections of the yard will be off-limits until further notice.

PIC Workshop (Parent Involvement Committee)

Over the next couple of weeks, the WRDSB Parent Involvement Committee (PIC), the Waterloo Region Assembly of Public School Councils (WRAPSC) and the WRDSB Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) will host their annual free family events for parents, caregivers and the community.

Each year, this free event centers around a new theme with the goal of encouraging parent engagement and supporting communication between parents and schools to enhance student achievement and well-being. The theme of this year’s events is: Parent Engagement Building Our Tool-Kit for Success.

Bluevale Collegiate, Wednesday, March 27, 2019


Mary Poppins

Here is our facebook link for our performance of Mary Poppins


Upcoming events:

April 3  – School Council Meeting (3 p.m.)

April 12 – PA Day

April 18 – Pay $1 to break a school rule

May 17 – Crazy hair day

May 31 – PA Day

June 27 – Canada Day spirit day