Dear Families,

As Earth Day approaches it is a good time to reflect upon what we do “to” the Earth and what we do “for” the Earth.  When we eat our lunch and make trash, we could recycle. Instead of taking a ride in a car, we could be thinking about walking or riding a bike.  There are many small ways we can protect our planet.

We can also take proactive steps.  We might volunteer to plant trees. We could also make a small garden in our yard.  Butterfly gardens are a great way to help our planet. If you would like to do something “for” our Earth, click on the link below to learn how to build a Monarch butterfly garden. And, remember our Earth Day assembly is this coming Thursday, April 18th.


Enjoy your weekend,

Rick Saunders,

Vice Principal

Kindergarten Registration Reminder

We need 15 more Junior Kindergarten students for September, at Jean Steckle P.S.  Please register your children today. The sooner you register, the better our jump on plans for September. Use the link below to create a new account and register this weekend!

Mary Poppins

Mary Poppins, and her magic umbrella, will be landing at Jean Steckle very soon.

Mary Poppins tickets will be on sale on School Day starting this Monday, April 15th. Tickets are $8 each. Shows are April 30th and May 1st at 6:30pm. A limited number of tickets will be available for the daytime dress rehearsals at 11:30am. Tickets will also be sold in the front foyer on April 23rd, 24th and 25th before school and after school (cash only sales).

If you have any questions please contact Mrs Evans ~

Easter Break

Good Friday is coming up on Friday, April 19th.  The following Monday, April 22nd is Easter Monday.  Both of these days are holidays and the school will be closed.

Teddy Bear Fundraiser

A wonderful assortment of stuffed animals went on sale (on School Day) this past Monday.  Next week (April 15th – 18th) we will be selling stuffed animals in front of the office every day at the first nutrition break (10:30 a.m.).  The price is only $3 per stuffy (cash sales only). They make great gifts if you, or someone you know, is celebrating Easter! To see these wonderful toys, check out the display case by our office doors.

All proceeds from this fundraiser will go to the purchase of a new projector for our gym. Thanks to everyone for their support.

Upcoming events:

April 18 – Pay $1 to break a school rule

May 17 – Crazy hair day

May 31 – PA Day

June 27 – Canada Day spirit day