Dear Families of Jean Steckle Public School,

Students in K4 will be creating holiday greeting cards with messages to the deployed members of the Canadian Armed Forces through the project Operation Tiny Troops Holiday Cards. If you and your family would like to create a card or picture with an inspirational message to our troops, please send the items to the main office by Monday, November 25 so the cards and pictures can be sent overseas.


Andrea Michelutti, Principal

Animal Day – November 22

The November spirit day is Animal Day.  Our primary goal is to raise some awareness around animal rights, animal welfare, and the ways that we can protect them.  This week the Grade 6 leadership team will be creating announcements sharing cool facts about animals.

On Friday, November 22nd students may wish to wear animal themed clothing (e.g., animal print, wear a piece of clothing with an animal on it, dress as an animal, wear Steckle Spirit Wear, or clothing with the bee on it, or any other brilliant ideas the students may have).

Upcoming events

November 22 – Animal day

December 20 – Pyjama day

January 31 – Beach day

February 21 – Multicultural day

March 27 – Retro day

April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day (wear blue)

April 22 – Lights out, earth wear attire or used clothing day

May 15 – Sports Jersey day

June 25 – Canada Day (Jean Steckle spirit wear)