Dear Jean Steckle families,

It’s been a great return to school. Our students are readjusted extremely well. Thank you to our families for their continued support. 

Have a safe weekend,

Andrea Michelutti, Proud Principal of Jean Steckle Public School

Extra Masks and Water Bottles

With the cold weather, many of our students are changing their masks frequently throughout the day. We encourage families to send multiple masks with their children to school.

Please send in a water bottle for your child to use as the fountains are not in use. 

COVID-19 Screening

Safety is a shared responsibility between the school, the home and the community, and families play a critical role in limiting the spread of COVID-19. We remind parents/guardians, students and staff, that they must screen for COVID-19 as part of their morning routine. 

Please use the COVID-19 Screening before school each day.

Important Dates:

April 2: Good Friday

April 5: Easter Monday

April 12 – April 16: Spring Break

May 24: Victoria Day

June 4: Professional Development Day

June 29: Professional Development Day