April 5th, 2019
Dear Families,
What an exciting week it has been here at Jean Steckle! The weather can’t quite decide which way to turn. We have had sunshine, rain, snow and ice. And that was just during our first recess today.
With the changing weather, many of our students are making the great choice to walk to school. Some students are also bringing bicycles, scooters and other wheeled transportation. All students are reminded to think about being safe, no matter how they come to school.
Students should obey traffic signs, crossing guards and be aware of the traffic around them. Once at the school, students should only be walking on the yard. Students are not permitted to ride while on school property. There are too many students in a small space, and someone could be injured.
Enjoy the spring weather and be safe!
Rick Saunders, Vice Principal
Kindergarten Registration Reminder
Parents with children who are needing to be registered for Junior Kindergarten this September are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible. It is essential that we have accurate numbers for our Junior Kindergarten classrooms, so that we can continue planning for next year. To register your child, click the link below and create a new account.
Mary Poppins
We are on the countdown now to Jean Steckle Public School’s production of Mary Poppins Jr. Staff, students and our school community are getting more and more excited with each passing day. The dancers are dancing, the actors are acting, the singers are singing and the crew is getting everything ready for our big performances.
Mary Poppins tickets will be on sale on School Day starting April 15th. Tickets are $8 each. Shows are April 30th and May 1st at 6:30pm. A limited number of tickets will be available for the daytime dress rehearsals at 11:30am. Tickets will also be sold in the front foyer on April 23rd, 24th and 25th before school and after school (cash only sales).
If you have any questions please contact Mrs Evans ~ jennifer_evans@wrdsb.ca
Teddy Bear Fundraiser
Starting this Monday (April 8th) Jean Steckle will be selling an assortment of soft, cuddly stuffed animals. The stuffies will go on sale for $3 per doggy, kitty or bunny. They make a great gift! Watch for the start of sales this Monday on School Day.
PD Day
On Friday, April 12th there will be a board-wide professional development day. On this day, all schools will be closed.
All of our staff want to see your child learn, engage, succeed and achieve their maximum potential. Since every school day is packed with valuable learning from start to finish, it’s essential that students attend each day, arrive on time and remain until the end of the learning day. We know from our experience as teachers and educators and from research that disruption in learning has a significant negative impact over the long term on student achievement.
We also know there is a correlation between student absenteeism and students who do not reach board targets in reading, particularly in the early grades (Kindergarten to Grade 3). If a child misses 20 days each year from Kindergarten to Grade 8, they will have missed an equivalent of an entire school year. This lost time is very difficult, if not impossible, to make up.
If your family is struggling with lates or absences our office staff would be happy to help. Please give us a call.
Lost and Found
Our Lost and Found is located in the front foyer, adjacent to the office. Within, you will find a treasure trove of Winter mittens, sweaters, shoes and other items of interest. Parents are encouraged to take a look for lost items over the next few weeks. Our staff will be doing a Spring clean on April 10th, so have a last look for your little treasures.
Indoor Shoes
The spring is a good time to have a good look at your child’s indoor shoes. Often, little feet have outgrown the shoes we bought them in September. Some indoor shoes have also been worn out by active feet. We would encourage parents to have students bring their indoor shoes home for a look and possible replacement. If your family needs support in purchasing replacements, please call our office for assistance.
Upcoming events:
April 12 – PA Day
April 18 – Pay $1 to break a school rule
May 17 – Crazy hair day
May 31 – PA Day
June 27 – Canada Day spirit day