Dear families,

Thank you to our families for their generous donations to our Terry Fox Run. We raised over $1000 for the Terry Fox Foundation. Special thank you to our organizing committee for helping our students learn about Terry Fox and the importance of helping our community.

Thank you to our parents for keeping all of our students safe by adhering to our entry and exit procedures. We are asking adults to remain behind the yellow lines when the students are lining up to ensure the students are visible.

Andrea Michelutti


Pizza Day – coming soon!

We are excited to offer pizza this term. All orders are due by October 3 at 9:00 a.m. The first pizza day is on October 7. Thank you to our volunteers for offering this program.

Orange Shirt Day

Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB) recognizes Orange Shirt Day as a way to honour residential school survivors, those who did not survive, and their descendants. It’s just one of the ways we support, educate and reconcile our relationship with Indigenous people.

What is Orange Shirt Day?

Orange Shirt Day is observed each September 30 and was first launched in 2013. The origin of Orange Shirt Day is based on Phyllis Webstad’s story of entering an Indian Residential School in 1973 and having her new orange shirt removed from her and replaced with a school uniform. Her experience of having her orange shirt being taken from her is symbolic of all that was taken from Indigenous peoples as a result of Indian Residential Schools and is the reason we wear orange on September 30.

For well over a century, Indian Residential Schools were used as a tool to assimilate Indigenous peoples into the dominant Canadian culture. Established in 1892 by the Canadian government, in partnership with churches, Indigenous children were often moved long distances from their families and lived at the schools. Once at school, Indigenous children were forbidden to speak their languages nor practise their cultures and traditions. Living conditions for students in Indian Residential Schools were often harsh and there was often significant emotional, physical and sexual abuse of the students.

All students and their families are encouraged to wear an orange shirt to show support on this important day.

Upcoming events

September 30 – Orange shirt day

October 24 – Backwards day

October 25 – PD Day

November 15 – PD Day

November 22 – Animal day

December 20 – Pajama day

January 31 – Beach day

February 21 – Multicultural day

March 27 – Retro day

April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day (wear blue)

April 22 – Lights out, earth wear attire or used clothing day

May 15 – Sports Jersey day

June 25 – Canada Day (Jean Steckle spirit wear)