November 8th, 2019
Dear Families of Jean Steckle Public School,
Over the past several months, we have faced a number of safety issues in our school parking lot. We have received formal concerns from our staff, parents and other community members.
To provide you with some background information, Jean Steckle PS was originally designed as a walking-distance school. According to our boundary plan, there should be no students in our school who live more than 1 kilometre from the school building. As such, the architect of our school intended our parking lot as a place for staff to park, families to access childcare and the occasional drop-off of a student over the course of the school day. They did not anticipate the volume of traffic and drop-offs that take place in the morning and at the end of the school day.
In addition to this volume of traffic, other safety concerns have come forward. These include cars speeding through the parking lot, cars blocking the driving lane, cars double-parked, cars parked in the bus loading zone and cars left unattended in the driving lane. On several occasions, we have had difficulty moving school buses and school taxis through our lot. We have also had emergency vehicles blocked from accessing the building due to illegally parked vehicles. These factors make our parking lot congested and dangerous.
We are looking to the people of our school community to help solve this issue and promote the ongoing safety of our children. Please forward your questions and concerns by contacting our office or speaking to members of our School Council. Over the next few weeks, we will have community volunteers in our parking lot placing leaflets on car windshields to remind drivers of some of these important safety concerns.
Your ongoing support is much appreciated.
Andrea Michelutti, Principal
November 15 is a PD Day
Teachers will be participating in a Professional Development day on Friday, November 15. In the morning, teachers will be working on building strong relationships within the classroom communities. In the afternoon, teachers will be available to meet with parents if they would like an interview to discuss their child’s progress.
Remembrance Day Service
On Monday at 9:00 a.m., our students will be leading our Remembrance Day Service. Students will be sharing poems and songs to reflect on the significance of this day.
Lost and Found Display
Parents are invited to visit our lost and found table located outside of the office. All unclaimed items will be donated on November 18.
Progress Reports will be sent home on Monday
On Monday, students in Kindergarten to Grade 6 will be receiving their progress reports. This report is to provide parents with a snapshot of how their child is doing in school. If you have questions or would like to have an interview with your child’s teacher, please contact them directly. The teachers look forward to working with you to help your child succeed at school.
Upcoming events
November 15 – PD Day
November 22 – Animal day
December 20 – Pyjama day
January 31 – Beach day
February 21 – Multicultural day
March 27 – Retro day
April 2 – World Autism Awareness Day (wear blue)
April 22 – Lights out, earth wear attire or used clothing day
May 15 – Sports Jersey day
June 25 – Canada Day (Jean Steckle spirit wear)