Dear Parents/Guardians:

Re: Fifth Disease

Jean Steckle has recently seen an outbreak of a relatively harmless viral disorder called Fifth Disease.

Fifth Disease does not adversely affect most of the general population with the exception of those with sickle cell anemia, leukemia, or pregnant women who are in their first trimester and are not immune to it.

Symptoms to look for are (headache, mild fever, tiredness) followed by a “slapped check” rash several days later.

We are asking when and if your child has any of these symptoms to let our school know. It is very important as we have a few staff members and other parents in the community that are expecting.

When calling the attendance Line to report your child’s absence please state if you think your child may have fifth’s at 519-570-8018 x3943#.

If you need more information you can go onto the Public Health website (