Dear families,

Parents, we need your help! If your child is away or late, please call the attendance line at 519-570-8018 x 3943#. Today the office had to make over 100 calls to look for students who were not at school. When calling the attendance line, please leave your child’s name, room number, and the reason for his or her absence. We appreciate your support to help the office during the safe arrival procedure.

Students are reminded to be respectful when playing on school property. Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves.  Roughhousing or play fighting is not allowed. I expect that all students feel safe at school and if the students are not following the rules, consequences will be given through the office. Teachers review these rules and expectations during the weekly class meeting and through classroom agreements.

Andrea Michelutti, Principal

Parking Lot Reminders

Last week we almost had a student hit by a car before school. We need to work together to keep all of our students safe by slowing down in the driveway, being at school on time to avoid rushing and increasing the number of students walking to school. Cars are not permitted to park in the fire lines and cannot be left unattended  Last weekend, cars blocked the fire lane on the side of the school, and the snow removal company was not clear the yard. Thank you for working with the school.

Police Vulnerable Sector Checks for Volunteers

To align with board policy, volunteers at the school will require a Police Vulnerable Sector Check. We are asking that parents and family members who are interesting in volunteering in the school, in classrooms, or on field trips have this check completed by December 2016. Please send in your police check as soon as possible as parents will need to have this form in the school before they can attend field trips.

Sing-a-long Wednesday, December 21

There will be a variety of performances for this year’s sing-a-long (bell ringers, recorders, ukuleles, cultural and festive dances, piano, guitar, singers, drummers, and boom whackers). Here is the schedule for Wednesday’s sing-a-long:

Group 1: 9:30-10:30

K1, K2, K3, 2C, 2D, 2E, 3A, 3D, 4A, 5A, 6B, 7A, 8A

Group 2: 11:10-12:10

K4, K5, 1A, 1B, 1C, 2A, 2B, 3B, 4B, 5B, 7C, 8C
Group 3:
K6, K7, K8, 1D, 1E, 1F, 3C, 4C, 4D, 5C, 6A, 7B, 8B

Upcoming dates:

December 20 – K4 open house 1:30 to 2:30; K1 open house 1:50 to 2:50; 1D open house 1:30
December 21 – Sing-a-long Periods 1 to 8; 1E and 1F showcase in the library from 1:30 to 2:30
December 22 – Assembly period 7 and 8; Candy grams delivered, K8 and K2 concert
December 23 – Pyjama day; Last day of school in 2016; Grade 7 and 8 dance at 1:50 p.m.; K7 concert at 1:50 p.m.
January 9 – First day of school in 2017
January 11 – Grade 3 classes to Crawford Lake
January 20 – Patterns Spirit Day
January 29 – PA Day
February 14 – Valentine’s Day
February 17 – Beach Spirit Day
February 21 – Family Day