2015 Director’s Annual Report

The 2015 Director’s Annual Report is now available! Each year, the Director is required to submit a report to the Ontario Ministry of Education, highlighting the achievements of the past year. Our Annual Report gives the local community a snap shot at what students and staff have achieved. Awards, good news stories and achievements in learning […]

Information Session for French Immersion Families

Canadian Parents for French – Free Parent Event 2 A wonderful event for families with children in French Immersion. Please see the flyer attached for all the details.

Professional Activity Day (P.D. Day) Jan. 29th/16

Dear Parents/Guardians: Friday, January 29th/16 is a scheduled P.D. Day.  There will be no school.  Enjoy your weekend.

Calling Our Attendance Line

Good afternoon, Parents /Guardians: Thank you for calling our school attendance line so that we can keep your children safe.  As you know we have a very large school and receiving your calls regarding your children being away from school due to appt./illness or just going to be late helps us from having to do many […]

Addition of PA Day for 2015-16 School Year

As a result of recent labour agreements, an additional Professional Activity Day (PA Day) has been added to the 2015-2016 School Year Calendar for both elementary and secondary students. Trustees approved Friday, February 26, 2016 as the additional PA Day, at the January Board Meeting. School administrators are presently reviewing school activities planned for February […]

Kindergarten Registration

Please follow the link below from the WRDSB home web page around kindergarten registrations – registration is open. WRDSB

January 18: Rentals & Committee of the Whole meeting CANCELLED

Due to the current and anticipated road conditions, and based on the latest credible weather information, all rentals (6:00 p.m. onwards) and this evening’s Committee of the Whole meeting have been CANCELLED.

January 18: Bus Cancellation in Woolwich, Wellesley, Wilmot & North Dumfries

Due to current weather conditions,  all school buses, taxis, and special education routes in Wellesley, Wilmot, Woolwich and North Dumfries Townships are CANCELLED. All schools are OPEN. Extended Day programs are operating, and the Education Centre is open.

Become Familiar with our Severe Weather Procedure

As the cold weather arrives, it’s important for everyone to be familiar with our Severe Weather Conditions procedure. There are some changes to the procedure for the 2015-16 school year: Frigid Temperatures: Schools will NOT automatically be closed when temperatures reach -35C or colder with wind-chill. While buses will not operate, the decision to close schools […]

“Newcomer (Refugee) Welcome”

Parent- Guardian Letter – Newcomer Fundraiser docx Attached is the letter that was sent home yesterday with every student.  WRDSB would like continue their support with the newcomers to our area.  We, the Waterloo Region, has been identified as one of six Ontario communities supporting refugee reception.  Those wishing to donate may do so online,WRDSB WEFI […]

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